7 ways to improve farm productivity and business
Date: 13/01/2023
The productivity of a farm is very important for various reasons. One of the most crucial factors that farmers can consider when it comes to improving their production is learning how to implement new techniques and methods. Now, the real question is, how to improve your farm productivity? In this article, we will discuss the top seven ways that can help improve the productivity of your farm.
New farming techniques and methods have allowed farmers to increase their end production, boost productivity, and maintain their farm's long-term sustainability. Browse through AgriMag to see a wide range of farm equipment to assist get you started.
- What is farming productivity?
- Easy way to improve farming productivity
- Why agriculture is important
Photo by meriç tuna on Unsplash
What is farming productivity?
In simple terms, farming productivity is the measurement of a farm’s input and output, be it dairy, grain, commercial, mixed or any other type of farming. Long-term productivity growth is a reflection of the technological and production improvements that have been made by farmers.
Easy ways to improve farming productivity
1. Implementation of land repurposing (land reforming)
One of the most effective ways to improve the productivity of a farm is through land reforms. These procedures involve the use of various equipment such as farming machines and tractors, which can help farmers work efficiently in harsh environments.
2. Interplant
Interplanting can help maximise the harvest potential of one's growing space. Interplanting can be described as planting more than one type of farming vegetation in the same farming area, location, bed or space.
3. Raised beds
In traditional farming systems, rows of crops are placed in separate lines on tractor paths. With this method, multiple rows of plants are placed within the same width in the field, which creates dense plantation. Raised beds can improve crop productivity.
4. Smart water management
The management of water is very important for the production of crops and can help increase output by up to 50%. One of the most effective ways to improve the production of crops is through the use of sprinkler irrigation.
Photo by Nathan Lugo on Unsplash
5. Tractor paths
Traditional farming systems utilise tractor paths to divide crops into separate rows. With permanent beds, multiple rows of crops can be planted within the same width, which creates more active growing areas and dense plantations.
6. Manuring
Adequate nutrients are crucial for crops to produce and survive, and it is important to provide them at regular intervals. At the maturation stage, supplements are provided as dietary compounds or as nutrients in the form of fertiliser. Manure, on the other hand, is a decomposition byproduct. In addition to replenishing nutrients, fertilisers also help with soil fertility.
7. Plant protection
Scientists claim that about 5% of crops are destroyed by pests and diseases. Unfortunately, most farmers are not aware of the use of pesticides and medicines that can help improve the production of their crops.
Here’s why agriculture is important
The importance of agriculture is well known as it is responsible for the production of various raw materials and for the development of the global economy. Moreover, the agriculture sector is a vital part of the Southern African region's economy, as it contributes to the reduction of poverty and improving food security.
Despite the positive effects of increased agricultural productivity, it is still not enough to simply increase production to reduce poverty and hunger.
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash
With the mentioned above in mind, farmers can start identifying areas of their operations where they can improve their productivity and possibly determine the best ways to implement any of these new farming techniques and suggestions. AgriMag features a comprehensive range of farm equipment for sale by dealers across South Africa.
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