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Agricultural Trailers NEW 600 to 6000LtWater Bowser / Firefighter bakki 2022
NEW 600 to 6000Lt Water Bowser / Firefighter bakkie / skid from R 9990 We have a wide range of affordable water bowser / firefighter units ranging from 600lt to 6000lt. With this multipurpose suction, pumping, mixing and circulation unit you can use it for firefighting, pre fire control, water transport, dust suppression and fence line spray. We have the right unit for you. Included is from a 600lt to 60000lt horizontal tank or 1000lt to 3000lt flowbin tank, 2.5 to 9.5bar water pump, suction hose with filter(4m Heli-flex), 1 to 3 outlets with nozzles (5m dragline per outlet) and a standard 1 year walk in warranty. Do not delay – get yours today. All prices are excluding vat. Web: www.flowbins.co.za key: vuur veg eenheid, vuurveg, bakkie sakkie, bakkiesakkie, vuurvegter, vuur vegter, firefighting unit, firefighting, firefighter, firefighters, fire fighter, fire fighters, firefigther, fire figther, firefigthers, fire figthers, firefighters, tanker, tenk, brand bestry, brand bestryding, brand blus, bowser, bouser, bowszer, bouzer, sleepwa 1000Lt 1000L 1000 Lt L water kar, waterkar flame fl
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