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Haymaking and Silage Krone 160

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Haymaking and Silage Krone 160

Krone 160 Classic Baler Very good condition Located in Bethlehem Contact: Tiaan Classens 082 823 0196 - Clocolan Lejuander Mare 060 967 1517 - Clocolan Johan Hoon 082 386 5777 - Cradock Imiel Vorster 083 327 7123 – Cradock Wimpie Nel 079 497 6015 - Bethlehem Gerrie Coetzee 066 290 3366 - Bethlehem Stefan Botes 082 821 8868 - Bethlehem Michael Wooberg 082 787 7114 - Hopetown Steven Storey 082 576 0372 - Hopetown


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