Browse through Tractors in North West on AgriMag Marketplace (Year: High to Low)
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John Deere Tractors John Deere 6410 4x4 runner incomplete
1999John Deere 6410 4x4 runner incomplete

John Deere 6300, 90Hp/67,1kW - Completely Rebuild Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng

John Deere 6400, 100Hp/74,6kW - Completely Rebuild Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng

Massey Ferguson Tractors Massey Ferguson 475
Massey Ferguson 475, 11000 Hours Zeerust, North West

Agrico Tractors Agrico 4+160, Cab, Knakker,160kW
Agrico 4+160, Cab, Knakker,160kW Groot-Marico, North West

New Holland Tractors New Holland T5.110 EC, Cab, 110Hp/82kW
New Holland T5.110 EC, Cab, 110Hp/82kW 2019 / 2150 Hours @ R600 000 2021 / 1750 Hours @ R620 000

New Holland Tractors 8340, 110HP/82kW
New Holland 8340, ROPS. 4×4 110hp/82kW North-West

New Holland Tractors 8030 S1000
2 × New Holland 8030 S100

John Deere Tractors 2140

Massey Ferguson Tractors 3 x Massey Ferguson 290, 4x2, 80Hp/60kW
3 x Masset Ferguson 290, 4x2, 80Hp/60kW R125 000 Each Brits, North West Transport Available

Fiat Tractors 3 x Fiat 640, 4x2, Used Daily, 64Hp/48kW
3 x Fiat 640, 4x2, Used Daily, 64Hp/48kW R75 000 Each Brits, North West Transport Available

Ford Tractors Ford 5000, 75Hp/55kW, 2 Tractors Available
Ford 5000, 75Hp/55kW, 2 Tractors Available Free State

John Deere Tractors 4840 cab duals powershift x8

Deutz Tractors DX 120
122HP / 91 kw

Fiat Tractors Fiat 640, 64Hp/48kW, Original
Fiat 640, 64Hp/48kW, Original Schweizer-Reneke, North-West

New Holland Tractors New Holland T4.90, Rops, 86Hp/64kW
New Holland T4.90, Rops, 86Hp/64kW 2020 / 6300 Hours - R320000 2022/ 900 Hours - R375000 North West

YTO Tractors YTO X804, Cab, 2400 Hours, 59kW
YTO X804, Cab, 59kW

Fiat Tractors Fiat 480, Used Daily, 48Hp/36kW
Fiat 480, 4x2, Used Daily 48Hp/36kW Brits, North-West

New Holland Tractors 140 90 Perkins 1006 123kw

Massey Ferguson Tractors Massey Ferguson 65X Rebuild
Massey Ferguson 65X- Rebuild Schweizer-Reneke, North-West

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